Meet the Teacher Evening Click here for more details
On Tuesday 24th September, we invite you to meet your child’s teacher for all classes
Reception to Year 6. The evening will begin at:
3.30pm for Reception Class
3.45pm for Year 1
4.00pm for Year 2
4.15pm for Year 3
4.30pm for Year 4
4.45pm for Year 5
5pm for Year 6.
This is an opportunity for you to meet your child’s new class teacher and find out about
the expectations for the year ahead. We will provide a crèche for children including
younger siblings. Year 6 will also contain information about Secondary Transfer. If you
need to discuss something about your child personally, please make an alternative
appointment to see the Class Teacher. If any Year 6 parents would like to speak to Mrs
Weatherhead or myself personally about secondary transfer, please do come in and see
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