St. Augustine's Catholic Primary School

School Council

Our School Councillors 2023 – 2024

The St. Augustine’s School Council is a very important aspect of our School and requires a great deal of dedication and responsibility from its members. The School Council takes an active role within our School, raising issues and ideas of their fellow students, discussing them at the School Council meetings and reporting back to their class. The pupils help to ensure that St. Augustine’s School is a safe and happy environment for pupils to learn in, making a difference for the better. 

The process of electing a new School Council happens each September and children are taught about the democratic process. They put themselves forward as candidates if they so wish, they write a manifesto, present it and then an election is held within each class. We ensure that children understand that the process they see within School is replicated on a larger scale across our country to decide who becomes our Prime Minister. This is an important life lesson for the children to begin to comprehend.