St. Augustine's Catholic Primary School

Head of School Award

Nathan for his phenomenal speed on Times Tables RockStars

Times Tables Rock Stars awards were presented to Kashwin, Lindsay and Gabriel today for the most amount of time spent learning their Times Tables – Well done to them all!

Certificates of Achievement
Each week we recognise those children who have been impressive for a whole range of reasons. This week they are:

Onyekachim for excellent maths!
Joshua for knowing lots about pandas – they eat bamboo!

Year 1:
Joan for working hard at finding facts about Neil Armstrong.
Yisra’el for always trying his best in all lessons.

Year 2:
Jasmin for her fantastic piece of independent art work.
David for his exceptional work in maths this week.

Year 3:
Thanik for his clear explanations of how friction works.
Esther for creating a fantastic hinge for her box lid on the Year 3 trip.

Year 4:
Amina for showing great perseverance this week. Well done!
Favour for your maths this week. You explored the investigations this week using mathematical thinking. Well done!

Year 5:
Mikkel for helping to introduce me to all of the parents on my first day.
Bailey for producing amazing work in English, writing a speech as Odysseus. 

Year 6:
Liriano for excellent work in maths.
Sultan for trying really hard in all subjects.