Head of School Award
Head of School Awards are given to children who go above and beyond in their learning, being kind to others or being a good role model and ambassador for St. Augustine’s. This week awards go to:
Gene in Reception for his creativity in making a caterpillar independently
Tishany in Year 4 for her caring nature and kindness
Tabitha, Levi and Harry in Year 3 for their fantastic effort in Maths
Wilson in Year 6 for his fabulous poetry
Certificates of Achievement Each week we recognise those children who have been impressive for a whole range of reasons. This week they are:
All of Reception for a super start to the school year!
Year 1:
Kacper for fantastic sounding out his letters in phonics.
Brielle for amazing Maths in recognising numbers.
Year 2:
Amelia S. for always being Ready, Respectful and Responsible!
Zayd for settling in quickly in Year 2.
Year 3:
Janella for fantastic effort in maths and completing additional work.
Jasmin for a wonderful performance in gymnastics.
Year 4:
Esther for a fantastic start to her Year 4 maths learning. She participates fully during our maths starters and answers any questions clearly.
Trevone for taking responsibility and being diligent when learning his spellings this week. Well done!
Year 5:
Lindsay for always putting in 100% effort with all of her work.
Reiyon for settling in to life at St Augustine’s incredibly well, what a fantastic addition!
Year 6:
Angelo for being ready for every lesson.
Adrian for being kind to his buddy.