St. Augustine's Catholic Primary School


‘A child’s mental health is just as important as their physical health and it deserves the same quality of support.’
Kate Middleton

PSHE and RSE help our pupils develop the knowledge, skills and attributes they need to thrive as individuals, family members and members of society. It provides children with the skills to manage opportunities, challenges and responsibilities that they will face growing up.

It important that our children leave our school with the skills to navigate the modern world. Skills such as; critical thinking, positive decision making, how and where to ask for help and support and how to engage with the world around them are just as important as their reading and writing skills.

Children well-being is at the fore front of our curriculum, our focus is for the children in our school to be physically and mentally healthy. Throughout the year we celebrate a number of important events, such as Friendship week, Kindness day and Mental Health Awareness week. These celebrations allow the children to learn and share their feelings, emotions and concerns.