St. Augustine's Catholic Primary School

Platform Cricket Festival

Platform Cricket Festival
Year 4 have been invited to take part in a Cricket Festival arranged by Platform Cricket on Friday 14th June 2024 at Forster Memorial Park, Whitefoot Lane, Bellingham, SE6 IUA from loam till 3pm.
Children will walk to the playing fields shortly after registration and return to school between 3:15pm and 3:30pm. We will notify you by text if it will be after 3:15pm.
Children must wear their school PE kit and trainers and bring a rain coat, cap/hat and sun cream (if required) as this is an outdoor event.
Lunch: Bring a packed lunch and drink (No nuts, sweets, glass bottles or fizzy drinks). Also bring a bottle of water to keep hydrated throughout the day.
If you would like the school to provide a packed lunch you must notify the school by Monday 10th June via Parent Pay.
Please visit Parent Pay to give consent for your child to participate in this event by Monday 10th June.
Parent Helpers: If you are able to accompany the children on the walk to and from the park please indicate via Parent Pay.

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