Year 3 visiting Jewish Living Experience Exhibition and Synagogue
Dear Parents and Carers
Year 3 Trip to the Jewish Living Exhibition
On the afternoon of Thursday 7th November, Year 3 will be visiting the Jewish Living Experience Exhibition at Catford and Bromley Synagogue. The purpose of the trip is to explore Judaism as part of our RE (Other Faiths) Curriculum.
The children will have lunch at School and will then travel to the Synagogue on foot, subject to weather conditions, to arrive at 12.45pm. The Synagogue is located at 6 Crantock Rd, which is approximately a 25-minute walk. The children will be accompanied by Mrs Stoneham, Mrs Songu-Mbriwa and parent helpers and will arrive back at school by 3.15. I am pleased to say that there will be no charge for this trip.
Please visit ParentPay to give consent for your child to attend and indicate whether you are available to assist. Please do this by Monday 4th November.
Yours sincerely
Denise Duffus
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