St. Augustine's Catholic Primary School

Year 5

Miss M Forrest – Class Teacher
Mrs Z Bryant – Class Teacher
Miss M Stevens – Teaching Assistant

We would like to welcome you to Year 5!

This year our topics include the Tudors, South America and Ancient Greece. We learn about important historic events, discuss their significance and also compare them to our local community here in London.

Within the classroom we work in groups, in pairs or independently and we ensure we bring out the best of each other and that we are helpful, kind and encouraging learning partners.

Our big focus is reading, and accessing good quality texts. Whenever is possible we have visits from authors and take part in workshops with writers.  We have opportunities to read individually and in small groups, but we also share stories as a class.

We practise mental maths every day, focusing on number bonds, times tables and number facts. We then use apply this knowledge to solve problems with greater speed and accuracy. We thoroughly enjoy mathematical investigations and pattern-sniffing and challenging each other with mathematical puzzles.

At the end of Year 5 we make sure that we are ready to move onto the final chapter in our primary years. Our attitude is mature, positive and optimistic as we know if we practise, persevere and work hard there is no limit to what we can achieve.

‘Repetitio est mater studiorum’

(Repetition is the mother of study/learning)