St. Augustine's Catholic Primary School

Year 6

Mrs C Weatherhead – Class Teacher
Mrs J Andrews – Higher Level Teaching Assistant

In Year 6 we are passionate about reading and spreading a love of reading; we immerse ourselves in exciting stories that we share either as a whole class or as a small group; we work on our retrieval and inference skills when we use hints and clues to predict, analyse and compare characters and recall key events. 

In maths we practise mental maths every day, focusing on number bonds, times tables, number facts and conversion between different units of measure. Children learn quickly to derive new facts from known facts and build fact webs at least once a week. We thoroughly enjoy mathematical investigations and pattern-sniffing and inspire each other with our discoveries.

We nurture a healthy competitive spirit with a growth mind set, where we know that it is not the start and the finish point of the biggest relevance, but the journey that is going to take us there. We are building up independence in preparation for secondary school transition, we learn how to evaluate, assess and edit our work to improve.

At the end of Year 6 we leave schools Augustine’s as creative problem solvers, who are ready to take on challenges and new responsibilities; we are students who have matured to become better human beings.