St. Augustine's Catholic Primary School


“We plant the seeds that one day will grow.
We water seeds already planted, knowing that they hold future promise. We lay foundations that will need further development.”
St. Oscar Romero

As a Catholic school, Religious Education is at the very heart of our Curriculum at St Augustine’s, as we live the Gospel values in our daily life. 

Prayer plays an important part in the school day.  Children are encouraged to participate fully in our liturgies and Masses and to lead others in prayer.  We are very fortunate to have our parish church on our doorstep.  Our Parish Priest, Fr Uduak, often comes into school to meet with the children, to say Mass and to lead Liturgies.  Children have the opportunity to attend Mass, both in school and in our Parish church, throughout the year.  Our Parish Church is also available to classes to visit and explore as part of our RE topics.

We aim to work closely with parents to nurture the relationship between our children and their Catholic faith.  Parents are invited to attend Masses, concerts and Liturgies and are kept informed of all events taking place through our weekly Newsletter.  Parents and children are welcomed into school to join in saying the Rosary each morning before the school day begins.

As a school, we teach RE using a scheme called “The Way, the Truth and the Life”.  This is taught from EYFS to Year 6. 

Our Monday assemblies link closely with the Sunday Gospel readings and present the opportunity for children to reflect on the Gospel message and to learn from their faith.

Our monthly RE Newsletter can be accessed here

The Wednesday Word is available to families and can be accessed here:
The Wednesday Word