St. Augustine's Catholic Primary School

Head of School Award

Year 1 for a superb PE Lesson

Zac in Year 6 for taking responsibility for selling the Royal British Legion Poppy merchandise

Certificates of Achievement

Each week we recognise those children who have been impressive for a whole range of reasons. This week they are:

Jaden for his super reading
Kaii for being a great friend

Year 1:
Angel for always being ready for her lessons
Mikai for fantastic Maths lessons using the part, whole model

Year 2:
Joan for a fantastic attitude towards her learning
Sebastian for a great contribution to our topic, ‘the Great Fire of London’

Year 3:
Divine for fantastic participation and engagement on our trip to the synagogue
Azraiah for always being a good role model and trying her best

Year 4:
Richard for working independently in English
Chimamaka for great Maths this week

Year 5:
Year 5 for being great ambassadors of the school on our trip this week
Inioluwa for incredible subject knowledge and enthusiasm on our school trip

Year 6:
Wilson for excellent focus in all lessons
Zac being a role model to the school community