St. Augustine's Catholic Primary School

Head of School Award

Certificates of Achievement
Each week we recognise those children who have been impressive for a whole range of reasons. This week they are:

Reception for their superb participation in sports day.

Year 1:
Sophie and Mikolaj for taking part in all sport activities with a big smile!

Year 2:
Olivia for being an excellent team player and working really hard during Sports Week.
David for his fantastic motivational speech to the class before all of our sports activities.

Year 3:
Jayden 0 and Amber for showing great sportsmanship in our team challenge activity.

Year 4:
Isabella for showing kindness, forgiveness and respect towards others this week. Your maturity during our PSHE conversations followed through with positive actions. Well done!
Ini for the overall improvement of the presentation of your work. You produced a beautiful double-page spread in RE this week all about World Youth Day.

Year 5:
Mikkel for excellent teamwork all of sports week.
Cassia for amazing work in history on the Great Exhibition. 

Year 6:
Lucia and Esther for exceptional behaviour on our school trip.