St. Augustine's Catholic Primary School


Mrs M Caballero – Nursery Teacher
Mrs T Young – Teaching Assistant

In Nursery the children learn through play. It is a free flow environment; children can go inside or outside as they wish. There is a morning and afternoon session. Most children come for one or the other though some, entitled to 30 hours provision according to government guidelines, stay all day. 

There are two carpet sessions where the children learn nursery rhymes, number songs and share lots of stories. We want children to know stories so well that they see themselves as readers! 

The Nursery is set up to entice the children to learn and ignite interests. There are different areas for the children to investigate and explore. 

The aim is to create independent learners that can help themselves to resources needed to fulfil a task, learn resilience when something does not go well and give them the tools necessary to self regulate. 

Nursery is a wonderful time for our children, we love to see them smiling, laughing and learning!