Year 2 Trip to Tate Modern
On Wednesday 22nd May Year 2 will be visiting the Tate Modern. Children will be exploring modern and contemporary art of different forms. So far this year we have done lots of work on sketching, sculpting and printing. This trip will allow the children to see how artists from across the world have been inspired to produce types of art that we have explored.
The children will be travelling by train from Beckenham Hill to Charing Cross, changing at Catford.
Departing: 9:30am
Returning: 3pm
Lunch: Children will need a packed lunch for this trip, if you would like the school to provide a packed
lunch for your child, please indicate via Parent Pay.
Reminder: No sweets, nuts, glass bottles or fizzy drinks.
Children will be required to wear full school uniform and a warm coat.
Trip Cost: There is no charge for this trip.
Volunteers: Please indicate via Parent Pay if you are able to assist on this trip
Please give consent for your child to attend this trip via Parent Pay by Wednesday 15th May 2024.
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