Gardening Club
Children from Years 3 – 6 have been busy using their green fingers at ‘Gardening Club’. Planting vegetables, fruit and flowers, sweet peas, fuchsia’s, strawberries and sunflowers from seeds.
The children enjoyed planting potatoes, onions, runner beans, tomatoes and a herb garden! Hopefully all to be harvested at the end of term to take home and make a lovely batch of vegetable soup and strawberries for dessert!
- KS1 Nativity Play
- PSA Christmas Fayre
- EYFS Nativity
- Advent Around the School
- KS2 Christmas Carol Concert
- Gymnastic Club Performance
- Born in a Barn KS1 Nativity
- St. Augustine’s Faith Leaders
- Year 5 Visits The Old Royal Naval College
- Year 2 visits St. Paul’s Cathedral
- Year 5 Tower of London
- Year 2 visit to Beckenham Place Park
- Reception Planting Peas
- Year 4 Visit to Bonus Pastor
- Skipping and Hula-Hooping
- Gardening Club